Hello World

Wow. This is where it begins.

My name is Chris, and with my wife Tiffany and our two children, we are working towards an exodus from suburban life to join a growing movement of farmers getting back in touch with our roots.  On July 12th, 2019 we bought 25 acres and started a journey to migrate our family from metro Atlanta to Wilkes County, Georgia.  

Why, you ask?  When Tiffany and I took an honest assessment of our core values, we realized God was laying some common desires on each of our hearts.  The first was for our children.  We want to provide them with a place to grow wild and free, learning how to live without reliance on technology.  Second, we care (a lot) about our food.  We wanted the opportunity to grow and hunt so we know exactly what we're feeding our family.  And lastly, you probably guessed it, family.  Tiffany's parents own the plot next door to us, and this will be the first time in our married life that we've been within 3 hours of family.  The support we've been given having family so close has been invaluable.  It all boils down to making a choice to prioritize where we see God leading our family and stepping in that direction.

We're hoping to slow things down,  grow some food, spend more time with family, and be focused on what really matters.

As we start this journey, and as we live and learn, we hope you'll join us as the story unfolds.